Learn more about us

Who we are and what we do.

CFD team is a community dedicated to launching and supporting commercial DApp projects and based on the principles of decentralized autonomous organization (DAO).

  • We launch new and invest in existing IT projects for the benefit of our members.
  • We are operators of our own online projects and maintain IT assets of our partners.
  • Use best practices in decentralized team management to achieve your goals.
  • Developing our own ecosystem for successful investment of digital assets in CFD tokenomics.
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Just for the sake of understanding

How it works?

Finding a valuable idea

The road to success begins with an idea, its analysis and approval by the community.

Investing in implementation

Raising money or investing from our own community fund to develop or buy off-the-shelf solutions.

Leading our own development

With our own DApp factory and decentralized team management, we efficiently put the idea into code and launch it into space.


Manage the launched project, monetize and direct the profits to the CFD liquidity pool for dividend distribution.


Latest news and interesting stories

A brief overview of news, events and publications from various projects and events that reflect the rhythm of the CFD community.


A new version of the Cityschool educational service was launched

Теперь Cityschool воплощает в себе полную экосистему для учеников и тренеров, где каждый может реализовать свои потребности в формате социальной образовательной сети.

For Beginners

What is a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO)

Blockchains are fundamentally transforming our traditional financial system, because basic principles such as trust and immutability are not only useful for financial applications.

Ready to be a participant?

Determine your mission and complete the registration process.